Unless you started an internet company and sold it for millions, or found a cure for cancer, putting together a resume before you’ve found your first real job is the task most young people hate more than any other. It is the most important first step, yet the one most often flubbed. I’ve seen many resumes and there are some basic mistakes that just about everyone makes:
Jake Snake
3/21/2014 07:39:09 pm
Some of this was great, but some of it was extremely biased rubbish.
John Wasserman
3/22/2014 01:43:02 am
Comment deleted
John Wasserman
3/22/2014 01:53:04 am
I will add that all resumes are subject to opinion and you will get varying advice depending on who you ask. For example, if you went to a prestigious school, you may want to put that at the top of your resume. There is a lot of advice, which is why I recommend having several people look at your resume before sending it out. Many colleges bring in outside employers for a resume workshop where you can spend 7 minutes one on one at a table with a recruiter and your resume and get feedback. Then you go to the next table and so on. Almost like speed dating. Great way to get feedback before you hit the job market. Leave a Reply. |
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October 2020
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